The 5 Factors that Affect Wages and Profits
December 21, 2016 1 minutes • 166 words
According to Adam Smith, there are 5 factors that affect wages and profits:
- The agreeableness or disagreeableness of the employments
A job’s difficulty, cleanliness, and/or honorableness can lead to different wage and profit levels
- The difficulty and cost of learning them
A job that requires a high degree of techincal skill will lead to higher wages than one that is simple. This explains the high wages given to specialized IT professions, surgeons, and expert lawyers.
- The constancy or inconstancy of employment in them
Seasonal jobs get paid differently than non-seasonal ones. Here, Smith gives the general rule that “The lowest common earnings may always be considered as the earnings of the majority.”
- The small or great trust which must be reposed in those who exercise them
Smith gives the example of doctors whom we should trust to cure us
- The probability or improbability of success in them.
Lotteries (chance of winning) and insurance (chance of loss) are examples. Venture capitalism and adventurous jobs are also given