Superphysics Superphysics
Chapter 3b

The 4 Eleemnts

by Plato
3 minutes  • 636 words
Table of contents

Why did the Creator make this world of generation?

He was good.* The good can never have any jealousy of anything.

Being free from jealousy, He desired that all things should be as like Himself as they could be.

Superphysics Note
Good here means Positive and inclined to create and preserve, as opposed to Negative which wants to destroy. This implies that created being want to exist. However, the pure Positivity of the Creator is a fallacy from actual experience.

He found that the whole visible sphere was moving in an irregular and disorderly way.

Out of disorder he brought order, considering that order was better than disorder.

He found generally that:

  • the intelligent were fairer than the unintelligent creatures
  • intelligence could not be present in anything which was devoid of soul [i.e. rocks and inanimate objects]

This is why, when he was framing the universe, he put intelligence in soul* and soul in body so that his work would be fairest and best.

The world became a living creature truly endowed with soul and intelligence by God’s providence.

Superphysics Note
Intelligence here is the Positive Force, the soul is the aethereal mind or material

In the likeness of what animal did the Creator make the world?

The original of the universe contains in itself all intelligible beings, just as this world comprehends us and all other visible creatures.

The Deity intended to make this world like the fairest and most perfect of intelligible beings.

He framed one visible animal comprehending within itself all other animals of a kindred nature.

Only One World [One Multiverse]

Is there one world? Or are they many and infinite?

If the created copy is to accord with the original, then there must be one only.

For that which includes all other intelligible creatures cannot have a second or companion.

  • In that case, there needs to be another Creator which would include both.
  • Those worlds would then be parts.
  • Their likeness would then be based on that Creator.

Thus, the Creator made only one world.*

Superphysics Note
We call this Saguna Brahma or Totality of Existence. Each world has many copies within that single Brahma or Totality.

The created is necessarily corporeal, visible, and tangible.

The visibility is facilitated by fire [electromagnetism].

The tangibility is facilitated by solidity [strong force].

Nothing is solid without earth [strong force].

  • Wherefore in the beginning of creation, the body of the universe was made of fire [electromagnetism] and earth [strong force].

But two things cannot be rightly put together without a third. There must be some bond of union between them.

The fairest bond is that which makes the most complete fusion* of:

  • itself and
  • the things which it combines
Superphysics Note
In Social Superphysics, this is why the leaders of society must bind themselves with the citizens, instead of commanding from afar.

Proportion is best adapted to effect such a union.

If a set of any 3 numbers has a mean, the 1st number is

Superphysics Note
For example, 1 and 5 has 3 as its ‘mean’ being away by 2 units from both.

If the universal frame had been created a surface only and having no depth, a single mean would have sufficed to bind together itself and the other terms.

But now, the world must be solid. Solid bodies are always compacted two means, not one.*

Superphysics Note
In a universe where there is only light or electromagnetism, there would only be one ‘mean’. But since we live in a universe with solid material bodies, there are 2. This manifests as wave-particle duality.

And so, God placed water [convertible] and air [spacetime] in the mean between fire [electromagnetism] and earth [strong force].

These have the same proportion as far as possible. Thus he bound and put together a visible and tangible heaven.

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