Superphysics Superphysics
Chapter 8

The Creation of the Universe

by Rene Descartes Icon
3 minutes  • 582 words
Table of contents
Principles Assertions
Aethereal Universe God is constantly dividing the aether as vortices to create evolution and the expansion of the universe
. Each vortex-center has a different size and travels in straight lines
. These vortices were random at first, but gradually settled into place

The Expansion of the Universe (No Big Bang)

God put inequality and confusion among the particles of the aether at the beginning following the laws He imposed on Nature.

Gradually, those particles became the air-aether when they were reduced to:

  • one size, and
  • one middling motion

Before God started to move the pure aether, it was the hardest and most solid body in existence.

The act of moving or dividing the pure aether was first imposed on some parts of it. This action spread out and distributed itself in all the others at the same instant, as equally as it could.

However, this equality of division could not be perfect because the division could not spread in a straight line since there was no void.

Instead, each division happened as circular motions with different centers. This is because God gave each particle a different motion.

Nearer the centers, the particles were naturally:

  • less agitated
  • smaller, or both

Farther from the centers, the particles were:

  • more agitated
  • larger, or both

Each of them tended to move in a straight line.

The strongest particles were:

  • the largest ones among those of the same agitation
  • the most agitated ones of those of the same size

These created the largest circles.

  • Their orbits most closely resembled straight lines.

The aether contained in between 3 or more of these circles were at first much less divided and less agitated than all the other.

At the beginning, God placed every sort of inequality among these particles.

  • They had all sorts of sizes, shapes, and dispositions to move or not to move, in all ways and in all directions.

But that does not prevent them afterwards from having been rendered almost all fairly equal, especially those that remained an equal distance from the centers around which they were turning.

Some could not move without the others’ moving. The more agitated thus had to communicate some of their motion to those that were less agitated.

The larger had to break and divide in order to be able to pass through the same places as those that preceded them, or in order to rise higher.

Thus, in a short time, all the parts were arranged in order.

Each became more or less distant from the center around which it had taken its course, according as it was more or less large and agitated compared to the others.

Size always resists the speed of motion.

The particles farther from each center were smaller than the ones closer to the center.

  • Consequently, they were much more agitated.

Exactly the same is true for their shapes.

  • In the beginning, they had all sorts of shapes, with many angles and sides.
  • Afterwards, collisions cause them to break the small points of their angles and dull the square edges of their sides until they had almost all been made round

Thus, the particles close the center become similar to each other, just as those that are distant become similar. [These became the air-aether].

But this does not apply to the particles that were much larger.

  • These could not be so easily divided.
  • Instead these became larger with every collision.

These became the earth-aether which make up the planets and the comets.

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